New drug driving laws came into effect on March 2nd 2015 – the new laws make it easier for Police to catch and convict Drug Drivers.

When you think about driving under the influence of drugs, does your mind immediately turn to illegal drugs such as Cannabis, Cocaine, Heroin, MDMA or Ketamine. These are all on the list but new drug driving laws in England and Wales now state it is an offence to drive with certain levels of legally prescribed drugs in your system also.

Do You know what drugs are on the list? Check out www.Gov.UK to find out and watch the video to find out.

Taking drugs and driving whilst impaired, is against the law but there are some levels of prescribed drugs,which if found in your system above certain levels, can leave you vulnerable for arrest and prosecution for drug driving. Check out with the Pharmacist or your Doctor, if you have any concerns that the drugs you are on, may fall into this category under the new law.

How Do Police Check for Drug Drivers?

One of the things I have learnt since writing post for A Pass 4 U is how my awareness of road users driving has grown, when I combine the knowledge with the practical. This is worth a thought, if as a drug driver, you think Police won’t be able to tell whether or not you are driving whilst affected, because you think the signs of drug taking may not be obvious but signs of poor driving are.

Signs of Poor Driving 

Some may be: driving to slowly, failing to stop, speeding, swerving.

These sort of signs the Police look out for and are quite within their right to stop and speak to you about.

If a Police Officer thinks you are under the influence of drugs they can then:

  • Perform roadside drug screening with a screening device.
  • Give a field Impairment Test: Examine pupils. Romberg Test.(A person is asked to tilt their head back slightly,close their eyes and let the Officer know when 30 seconds is up. If a person gets between 25-35 seconds they have passed.) Walk & turn test. One leg stand test. Finger to nose test.

If drugs are detected or Police think you are impaired, you will then be arrested and taken to the Police station for a blood or urine test.

Your Driving Instructor will also be looking out for signs, which show that you are unfit for a driving lesson and will not allow you to drive if they think you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol.



Penalties for Drug Driving are the same for Drink Driving. If convicted you will receive a minimum 12 month driving ban. A criminal record. A fine or up to six months in prison or both. 

Think before you Drink, Take Drugs and Drive.